How to create a recovery plan script in SRM5 that will perform different tasks depending if the recovery plan is in test mode or recovery mode.
It's pretty easy to add scripts to recovery plans in SRM5 to perform all sorts of tasks in recovered environments or VMs but what if you need to have the script do something different when it is run in a test scenario like add some test environment specific routes or add some host file entries to allow recovered VMs to talk to one another in a non-production LAN (no DNS or Gateways exist for example)? Well thanks to SRM5 you can make use of some environment variables which are injected into the recovered VMs by the SRM service in order to do just that!
The main variable to look at here would be VMware_RecoveryMode. This variable has a setting of either test or recovery depending on how the recovery plan is being run at the time and so can be referenced in your script to act differently according the the value of this variable.
A basic example of this can be found in the below script which is a simple batch file...
IF %VMware_RecoveryMode% EQU test (Goto TestRun) Else (Goto OtherRun)
for /f "delims=: tokens=2" %%a in ('ipconfig ^| findstr /R /C:"IPv4 Address"') do (set tempip=%%a)
set tempip=%tempip: =%
route add mask %tempip% -p
route add mask %tempip% -p
Echo Routes Applied to Test environment on %date% at %time% >> c:\srm\srmlog.txt
Echo >> %windir%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
Echo Host file entries Applied on %date% at %time%>> c:\srm\srmlog.txt
IF %VMware_RecoveryMode% EQU recovery (Goto RecoveryRun) Else (Echo an unexpected result occurred on %date% at %time% >> c:\srm\srmlog.txt)
Echo Recovery started on %date% at %time% >> c:\srm\srmlog.txt
This script checks to see if the recovery mode is 'test' and if it is then proceeds to run some things under the :TestRun section.
If the mode is not test then it checks to see if it is in recovery mode and again if it is it then runs some things under the :RecoveryRun section.
If it for some reasons doesn't see either test or recovery in the variable it will just write a simple log file to C:\SRMfolder of the VM running the script.
There are other environment variables available to play with too which can be found in the SRM administrators guide so hop over to VMware and check it out
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